Thursday, July 25, 2019

Take Care

Some people drive cars that haven’t been washed in six months. They argue that it is an old model and they are planning to get a better one. Take care of what God has given you. Whether you have much or a little, whether it’s old or new, take pride in what God has given you.

Favour and being excellent go In hand in hand. Looking your best and taking care of your possessions are also part of your lifestyle. You should take care of what you have as best you can. Take care of your family, especially children.

You may be in a situation today in which everybody around you is being lazy. Everybody’s being sloppy. Everybody’s taking the easy way out. Don’t let that discourage you. You should be the one to have an excellent spirit. You should be the one to stand out in the crowd.

This applies also to your personal appearance – the way you dress and the way you present yourself. Present yourself in a way that you’re proud of. You are the temple of the most high God (1 Corinthians 3: 16-17).

When you are born again, or when you accept Christ as your saviour, the Spirit of God guides you to be excellent in all the things you do (Colossians 3: 23)

Do represent yourself as a precious child of God.

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