Friday, July 26, 2019

St. James

James, the disciple of Jesus was the brother of John, another disciple of Jesus. They were both called the sons of thunder. He is called the James – the greater to distinguish him from other Apostle James (brother of Jesus). Their mother’s name is Salome. This mother asked Jesus to keep both her sons in his both sides and Jesus replied whether they are willing to take the cup Jesus is going to take (Mathew 20).

As Jesus commanded His disciples to go to Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria (Acts 1: 8), St. James preached in Jerusalem, Samaria and all Judea. He even went to Spain to preach the gospel. He is the patron saint of that country.

Once when he was preaching the gospel to Jews, they caught him and King Herod sentenced him to death. He was smiling all the way when they took to behead him. It is said that the person who helped them to catch James, seeing this joy in James face, openly asked for forgiveness and accepted Christ as his savior. He too was sentenced to die.

He was the first apostle who shed his blood for Christ and got mentioned in the Bible. His body was taken to Galatia, Spain and honoured till date.

His feast is celebrated on July 25th.

Even today, the most persecuted people in the world are the people who are following Christ Jesus. The followers of Christ are not forcefully converting anyone, but still they are persecuted. It all started with Jesus and it will continue until Jesus comes back with His power and glory.

May The Lord be with you and help you to understand the love and compassion of Christ Jesus, repent your sins, accept Him as your saviour, and live a Holy life pleasing to him.

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