Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Change the Channel

When negative memories comes to the movie screen of your mind, people take up their chair, get some popcorn and watch it and get hurt. It’s like taking the remote control of a television, watch a channel where some program bring sad and hatred.

Even though if some other channel is playing humour or motivational videos, some people will sit and watch the sad serials in another channel. Instead of playing your past victories, accomplishments and things you did right, people play the channel of defeats, failures and disappointments. Just because a bad memory comes doesn’t mean that you need to dwell in it. Learn to change the channel
Mostly people play the channel of failures when they feel disappointed in life. When you feel cheated in life, when you are not getting married at correct time, when you are not blessed with a child, or when you’re not getting a perfect job, automatically your remote will switch to past failures and regrets in life.

If you’re always relieving your hurts and watching them on the movie screen of your mind, talking about it and telling your friends, you’re just reopening your wounds. You need to change the channel. You may have weakness, but remember your strengths.

In the Bible we see David’s sin against God (2 Samuel 11). He did adultery and to hide it he killed Uriah. Even though David was cursed because of his sin, whenever he was in trouble, he cried to God and kept hope in God (Psalms). When you follow Christ, whatever disappointments comes into your life, you will be able to survive it with hope, faith and the have joy and peace in heart because of the salvation Christ gave.

Jesus Christ came to the world and died for the sins which we have done (1 John 2:2). So whosoever believes in him have the hope and confidence that Christ can change any bad situation to a good one (Psalms 71: 5).

Don’t make the mistake of remembering the things you need to forget, whether it’s your hurts, your disappointments, or failures. Instead remember your victories, successes and the hard times you overcame.

Always remember the sacrifice of Christ and the joy he gives to the one who walks with him. Leave the negativity, negative people and stay close with Christ by reading His word and meditating upon it. Change your channel to Christ who is your only hope and salvation – He will make a way

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