Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Repentance - Joel

The Book of Joel starts with the verse “The word of the Lord that came to Joel son of Pethuel” – Joel 1:1. His name means “Jehovah is my God”. His ministry was to Judah. He has been called the prophet of “religious revival”. He knew that revival must follow repentance. He tried to bring his people to repentance. We will find access to grace and know the presence of the Holy Spirit when we truly repent.

The land of Israel had just suffered a terrible plague of locusts that had devoured every green thing, leaving only destruction. Joel believed that this had been a judgement send by God because of the sin of his people. He was the first to prophesy the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all flesh (Joel 2:28). Joel appears just a little before Hosea, only he speaks to the southern kingdom of Judah. Hosea spoke to the northern tribes.

Joel called the people to consider the cause of the calamity. They must mourn with true repentance if they wished to be spared further judgement (Joel 2:1217). Desperate, they were ready to listen to anyone who could explain their plight. It was a great hour for the preacher, for now, in their extremity, people would turn to God.

In Joel chapter 2 we see the blast of the ram’s horn calling an assembly for a great fast. Everyone is there, even brides and bridegrooms on their wedding day (Joel 2:16). The priests came in black sackcloth, and bow to the ground and cry to God within the sanctuary. “Rent your heart and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God for he is gracious and compassionate” (Joel 2:13). It was an event to bring the people back to God. He also assures the people that God will indeed send both temporal mercies (Joel 2:18-27) and spiritual blessings (Joel 2:28-32).

Spiritual deliverance is the great central promise of the book of Joel. Other prophets have foretold details concerning the Lord’s life on earth, and even his future reign. To Joel was committed the privilege of telling that God would pour out his Spirit upon all flesh. He tells us that the blessing will flow forth from Jerusalem (Joel 2:32; 3:18). This prophecy we are definitely told was fulfilled at the day of Pentecost. Peter said, “this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel” (Acts 2:16)

In the third chapter he tells about the judgement of the nations after the battle of Armageddon (Joel 3:2-7). Same is being said on Mathew 3:2-7 and Revelation 19:17-21.

The book of Joel is a lesson for us today. The church is in a desolate condition. It has been laid waste by many spiritual foes, well described in Joel 1:4. There are famine and drought on all sides. The call goes to Christians today to go into the dust before the Lord in the true repentance of heart. This repentance must begin with ministers and elders. It we will return unto the Lord, he will fulfil his promise to us by his outpouring of the Holy Spirit. May God enable you to walk close with him at this hour and get filled with the anointing of the Spirit to lead a life which glorifies him.

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