Monday, September 24, 2018

Be Humble

Humility is part of Christian faith. Even though most of the followers of Christ don’t have this humility, the word of God commands everyone to be humble. Recently we saw how a Catholic bishop (Indian) who should be a most humble person, spreading malicious statements against a rape victim, in which he is the prime accused.

                When a person is elevated to take care of higher position, he is supposed to have wisdom. Bible talks about two types of wisdom. One is spiritual wisdom and another is earthly wisdom. In the book of James 3 and 4, it talks about earthly wisdom. They will have selfish ambitions and for that they will indulge in evil practises.  When they don’t get what they desire, quarrel and fights happens. They don’t want to ask God on their needs, because they know it will not be answered by The Lord, since they are asking with wrong motives. A friend of the world is an enemy of God.

                Godly wisdom will help you to take wise decisions in critical situations. When you are filled with Godly wisdom you become humble. In Mark 9:30 – 37 on seeing the disciples arguing on who is the greatest among them, Jesus heard and told them anyone who wants to be first must be the very last and servant of all.

                A wise person will not be selfish or boastful. He will be filled with the fruits of the Holy Spirit. He will show the character of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control. In James 3: 13 – 4:10 we see God gives grace and favour to the humble.

                It is easy to be a friend of the world. Friend to the world is enemy to God. You need to submit yourself to God and resist the devil. The scripture tells us in James 4, when we resist the devil, the devil will flee from us. May God give you a heart to go behind him and humble yourself for God to lift you high.

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