Thursday, September 27, 2018

Judgement and Hope - Obadiah

The book of Obadiah is the shortest in the Old Testament. It contains only 21 verses, but it includes 2 important themes – the doom of the proud and rebellious and the deliverance of the meek and humble. It is directly spoken to Edom and Zion and represents Esau and Jacob, the two sons of Isaac. But it appeals to us all with our two natures – the earthly represented by Esau on one side, so proud and bold, and the spiritual by Jacob, chosen and set apart by God.

From Obadiah 1 to 16 we hear the doom of Eden. This prophesies was written because of the confederacy against Jerusalem in which Edom took part of the enemy (Obadiah 7-14). Against this people, the prophecy of the unknown prophet Obadiah, “a worshipper of Jehovah” was directed. Edom looked on while Jerusalem was being plundered. They seemed to manifest fiendish delights in the calamity that overtook its inhabitants. Because of the pride and cruel hatred of Edom, her utter destruction was decreed (Obadiah 3 – 4, 10). Nothing could save the guilty nation. The people were driven from their rocky home 5 years after the destruction when Nebuchadnezzar, passing down the valley of Arabah that formed the military road to Egypt, crushed the Edomite’s.

From Obadiah 17 to 21 we see the deliverance of Zion. Book of Obadiah closes with the promise of deliverance for Zion. “But on Mount Zion will be deliverance; it will be holy, and the house of Jacob will possess its inheritance” (Obadiah 17).

Gods judgement on Edom as Israel’s notable enemy should warn nations today that God has not cast off his people and nations that oppress them will surely bring down his judgements (Genesis 12:3). Obadiah also predicts the coming of the day of the Lord and the establishment of Messiah’s kingdom.

In all these, we saw how God is taking care of Israel, his chosen one. But remember, a Christian, too, is an heir of promises to be fulfilled when Christ comes. The believer possesses all things in Christ (2 Corinthians 6:10). Many God help you to understand the importance of being a believer and prepare yourself to meet the King of Kings, when he returns.

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