Friday, July 28, 2017

The BOOK – Love Song

The Song of Songs can be called the Christian’s love song. Many readers of this book have wondered why the “Song of Solomon” is in the Holy Bible. It appears very unique from the other Scripture in that it seems to make no mention of the Lord, his Law, history or prophesy. While it is classified with the Psalms and Proverbs, it is different from them as well. 

This is a song of love in marriage. The characters in the song are Solomon, the Shulamite maid, his wife and the daughters of Jerusalem. The love of Solomon and his wife illustrates the love between Jehovah and his people. This is seen in many passages in the Bible. Solomon as a lover was a type of Christ Jesus (Ephesians 5).

Personal love to Christ is the greatest need of the Church today. The knowledge of sin forgiven and of Christ’s redeeming work has drawn us to him.

When reading this book, may the Spirit of God enable you to understand the true love of Christ to you. In accordance with his love, may the Spirit guide you to lead the Holy life, which God desires, and be a true faithful servant of him.

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