Thursday, July 20, 2017

The BOOK – Portray Jesus

Psalms is the best loved books in the Old Testament. Every Psalm is a direct expression of the Soul’s consciousness of God. This book is full of Christ. They describe the whole program if his suffering and death. Many quotations from this book are found in the New Testament. Lots of verses directly refer to Christ and his life and death. 

Psalms 1 to 41 is about Man, what are the things he should not do and the things he should do. The things not to do are:

·         Refuse to walk in the counsel of the ungodly and do not take their advice or follow the pattern of their lives.
·         Refuse to stand in the way of sinners. When you stand in sin, it shows that you have been brought under the spell of evil.
·         Refuse to sit in scorner’s seat. The scorner sits idly watching the struggles of others and cares not that many are losing fight.

The things a man has to do are:

·         Read the Bible
·         Delight in it.
·         Meditate upon it.

When a Christian follows the dos and donts, see the result:

·         Planted – he is planted by streams of water – settled life.
·         Prosperous – leaves does not wither – abiding happy life.
·         Purposive – Yields its fruits in season – productive life.

Psalms 22 tells of the good shepherd giving his life for his sheep. Psalms 23 tells of the great shepherd keeping his sheep and Psalms 24 tells of the Chief Shephard in his glory rewarding his sheep.

Psalms 42 – 72 tells about Israel. From 42 to 49, it talks about Israel’s ruin, 50 to 60 talks about Israel’s redeemer and Psalms 61 – 72 talks about Israel’s redemption.

From Psalms 73 to 89 we see the sanctuary mentioned to in almost every one. We see God’s counsels in relation to the sanctuary.

Psalms 90 to 106 talks about Earth. 90 – 94 talks about the blessings needed, 95 – 100 talks about the blessings anticipated and Psalms 101 – 106 talks about the blessings enjoyed. 

All the teaching from Psalms 107 to 150 is around the word the God. It starts with Psalms 107; He sent his word and healed them (Psalms 107:20).

Psalms is the book for all who are in need, the sick and suffering, the poor and needy, the prisoner and exile, the person in danger and the persecuted. It is a book for the sinner, telling him or her of God’s great mercy and forgiveness. It is a book for the child of God, leading him or her into new experiences with the Lord. It tells of God’s law in its perfection and pronounces blessings upon the one who will keep it. 

May the Almighty bless you with his word when you read Psalms, so that it will pierce into your heart, talk to you and help and guide you to walk along with it, Amen.

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