Tuesday, August 1, 2017

The BOOK – Prophets

Prophets were men whom God raised up during the dark days of Israel’s history.

The Lord warned Israel and Judah through all his prophets’ and seers: Turn from the evil ways. Observe my commands and decrees, in accordance with the entire Law that I commanded your fathers to obey and that I delivered to you through the servants the prophets” - 2 Kings 17:13.

These prophets spoke fearlessly to Kings and people alike of their sins and failures. The captivities of Israel (Northern kingdom) and of Judah (Southern kingdom) are largely the theme of the Old Testament prophets. The record of these is found in 2 Kings 17:1-23; 24:11-25; 21. These are called the Assyrian and Babylonian captivities. Some of the prophets served before the exile, some during and some afterwards. These are called pre-exilic, exilic, and post-exilic prophets.

The prophets during exile (captivity in Babylon) were Ezekiel and Daniel. They prophesied to all the Israelites. Jeremiah’s lifetime also extended into this period. Those who prophesied after the exile were Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi.

The prophet’s chief duty was to deal with the moral and religious life of his own people during his day. He not only spoke of judgement that would come to pass to the people because of their sin, but he was also a foreteller of future events. 

Some of the writings of the prophets which are prophetic:
·         The dispersion and captivity of God’s chosen people; everywhere the prophet tells that the Jews are to be scattered among the nations of the world.
·         The coming of Messiah: Religious Jews were and are still looking for their Messiah.
·         The restoration of the chosen people to their own land under the coming Messiah: Jewish people are returning from the four corners of the earth to dwell in their own Promised Land. Almost all Jewish people have a longing in their hearts to be a part of Israel as a nation.
·         The reign of the Messiah over the whole earth: Even though we see the collapse of God’s people in the Old Testament – first Israel, then Judah being led into captivity – nevertheless, God revealed that the ending of his nation did not end his plans for his people. There is yet to be glorious future when the prince of peace shall reign over his people.

When you read the Gospels, you constantly find phrases such as, “so was fulfilled what the Lord has said” and “to fulfil what was spoken through the prophet.” We find in these passages that God fulfils prophecy literally. The prophets exposed the cold formalism of their religion. They constantly reminded the people that Jehovah was the only true God.

The prophecies concerning Christ in Isaiah 53 is so definite that it gives great assurance to us that the Bible is the word of God. But as the leaders of the church now – the preachers and the Pastors need to take the responsibility of what the Prophets have done in the Old Testament. They need to tell the truth when it is needed, without seeing the face of people, because they are chosen by God not only to lead the people, but also to lead them towards holiness through the word of God.

May God help all the leaders to take responsibility to lead the people in truth and holiness, Amen

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