Saturday, April 11, 2015

Overcome Sketch

Sketch”, a word which is used by the goons in Kerala, India. When a person gives them money to kill or trash someone, they use the word ‘sketch the victim’.

Same word, I use when a man or woman of God is born in this world. God selects a person to be his servant even before he or she is conceived in the womb. 

The word of the Lord came to me saying, before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations” – Jeremiah 1: 4, 5.

Obviously when a man of God is born, the eyes of the Lord will be with him and his family. Any way devil will have doubt about the one God chosen and he tries to take that person away from God, from the time he is born. Devil will sketch you, if you are called by God. 

In the Bible you can see examples of how devil had sketched the men of God. Joseph was thrown into the pit and put into the prison when he was young. Even devil tried to seduce him with his master’s wife. But Lord made sure that everything should come for good. 
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” – Romans 8: 28

Same thing happened when Moses was born, were devil tried to kill him. Also David, the youngest of the brothers was just not given importance as his brothers who were in the army. David was given the job of taking care of sheep’s and when Samuel came to see Jessie’s children; David was not called or even mentioned by his father.
Bible have given all these examples for us to know, if you are going through a rough time or have gone through rough times in your childhood or youth, man, you are being called by God to do his purpose. The ministers of God comes through bitter tribulations in life, and God will do it for their good so that they will get the compassion to see others who are suffering and will get the heart to pray for them.

You might be considered a stupid by your parents and friends. It is just to discourage you, to move away from your purpose. You might by sexually abused by anyone, even by a family member, it’s to take you away from your purpose. Even when you grow in youth you get married to an adulterer or adulterous. It happens for discouragement, but take heart in God. You might lose your family life, but this will help you in counselling and building other broken families.

You might have an unforgiven childhood, youth, and wherever you go people around you might take advantage of you and always trouble you. That is the discouragement devil gives to you through people. Understand that you are the chosen one of God and live a life which God wants you to live, not the world around you live. Moses lived and believed differently than the rest of people, same as Joseph, David, Daniel and the three young men. So be different from the world. Lead a holy life and always understand God sees your heart, while world sees only your action and reaction. Live with God and overcome the sketch which is being put to you by devil. “If God is for us, who can be against us?” – Romans 8:31

In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us” – Romans 8:37.

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