Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Be the David against Goliaths

In the book of 1 Samuel 17, we can find how David killed Goliath. I believe all this history is being given to us not only to read and glorify God on what he has done, but to compare it with our life and do the same thing and conquer the enemies, problems and sickness.

1 Samuel 17: 8-11 shows how a problem comes against a believer of Christ. In the Bible we see a man named Goliath came against the Lord’s chosen people and challenged them to have a fight. But the people of God were scared to go against him. Same way if you are a believer of Christ, you are a chosen person and enemy will come against you like diseases, joblessness, poverty etc. and challenge you to fight against it, which you make get scared and go back in your faith in God.

In 1 Samuel 17:16 we see Goliath giving challenge for 40 days and the people of God was afraid and did not accept the challenge. Same way when a disease or a sudden loss of Job, we will be wandering what to do.

Verse 17-19, we find David’s brothers in the battle field and they are also afraid of Goliath. Even though we see lots of people who know the Bible and Theology, they might not have the faith in God to go against the diseases and come out of depression by faith. You should be the David who might be least among men, but should have the faith and belief that God will fight for you.

In verse 24-25, the people, instead of glorifying how big their God is, are glorifying Goliath and his power. Same way when diseases or loss of money or job comes what you are glorifying or thinking about. Are you thinking how long will you survive or are you thinking how you are going to beat it in Jesus name?

When Saul doubted David, David told how God was with him in conquering a lion and a bear (Verse 34-37). When you have seen the glory of God in your life, whatever situation you face, you will have an awesome confidence that the God will fight for you, just to glorify his name.

In verse 38-40 Saul dresses up David for the fight according to how they go for war. But David left everything and took what he uses to have when he goes against the lions and Bears. People may try to convince you with different options when you are trying to come up. But you should know how you saw the presence of God in your life, and through that blind faith and belief in Jesus you should go for the war.

 In verse 41 -44 we see Goliath making fun of David. The disease or the situation may make fun of you and your faith. People earlier may not have survived in your same situation. According to your problem you might be very small compared to your problem. But the problem does not know God is above all.

1 Samuel 17: 45-47 should be in your heart and mind always. Whatever may come against you, go against it in the name of Jesus Christ who will give you the victory. People will know and acknowledge, doctors will accept the God who delivered you from the problem.

Next verses we can see how a fully protected Goliath went down to a small David. Don’t ever think it is because of the sling and the stone Goliath fell. The God who fought for David hit Goliath down. The stone and the sling is just a medium. Medicine, or a new direction of life, or a prayer with oil rubbed or hands kept, can be a medium upon how God shows his strength to defeat your enemy. 

If you totally submit to God and live a holy life as God wants you to be, not only you will see his glory in your life, but also you will find your faith much more intelligent than the so called intelligent worldly person’s words. Have that childlike faith in God. God bless you to overcome all odds.

You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head. This very day I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds and the wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel. All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s and he will give all of you into our hands” – 1 Samuel 17: 45-47.

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