Thursday, April 9, 2015

No Turning Back

Back to a Sunday school song –
I have decided to follow Jesus (3)
No turning Back (2)
The World behind me, the cross before me (3)
No Turing Back (2)

When you get saved, confess your sins and accept Christ as your saviour, what comes first the next day? Yes, the next day or for some people after a couple of days, their old life will flash back. In the Bible it is compared to how Israel came from Egypt. Most of the times when they were having the journey, they wanted to go back to Egypt. Whenever
the finds a problem, they will murmur about how good being in Egypt. God took them out of Egypt for once and for all and the Lord doesn’t want them to go back. Same is the case of a saved person in Christ.

Steve Hill, one of the greatest Evangelists I admire told his testimony. Before getting saved he was into all demonic worldly things and had a gang of people including girls and boys. On the day he got saved he slept and got up and there the gangs were there in front of his house. They called him and he told he is a new person and he will not be going with them. As soon as he stopped a girl removed her upper dress and showed her body and asked him, whether he don’t that also. He humbly told no and went back and followed Jesus faithfully.

How many people are able to do this? Some may get saved from telling lies, or pornography or even adultery and drugs or alcohol. When they get saved, there comes the devil with a “just one more time”. There are many who fall into the trap and never get up. 

They hit me, you will say, but I’m not hurt! They beat me, but I don’t feel it! When will I wake up so I can find another drink?”Proverbs 23: 35.

Another way the devil try to push you back of the salvation is to torment you. There will be time when you might be mentally or physically disturbed by the devil through some people. That time there will be a wide chance for you to go back to what you were before. This was the same thing what happened to Israel. Lord compares it with a dog.

As a dog returns to its vomit, so fools repeat their folly” – Proverbs 26: 11.

Once you keep your salvation and fight to keep it in Jesus name, the spirit of God will come as your helper in keeping the salvation. The objective should be to give yourself to Christ who gave himself to you and saved you. Make him proud.

I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name” – Revelation 3:8

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