Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Be a Worm

God has chosen to use human beings as his vessels through which to flow. Through the ages, each one of God’s choice men and women have had to deal with an area that has a tendency to rise up when any type of accomplishment is realized.

Sometimes, when a miracle occurs from your hand, in comes the army of inquisitive onlookers. They begin to interrogate everyone you know. “How did it happen? How he got it”. Everyone points to you whom God used. At that moment, you have the sole responsibility of deflecting any honour and glory off yourself and onto the one who is the rightful recipient of the praise – Jesus Christ.

Herod relished the praise of man. He sought the honor of man above the honor of God, which brought deadly results. The worms of pride and conceit began their destructive work the moment he ceased to give God the glory.

Never forget, God is the one who gave you breath. If you sing magnificently it is because he gave you the ability. If someone pays you a compliment on your physical attractiveness, remember that it was God who knit you together in your mother’s womb. If God uses you mightily in healings, remember that Jesus took the beatings. He was bruised; He was wounded; He was the one hurt for our healing.

Humble yourself with the knowledge that our great and mighty God chooses to let us participate in his plans and purposes. Be a worm.

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