Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Promise Kept

In the Holy Bible you can see the Almighty God blessing Abraham. “Abraham will surely become a great and powerful nation, and all nations on earth will be blessed through him” – Genesis 18: 18. Usually when a priest comes for praying, he uses to include this verse in prayer for us. But the blessings from the mighty God remains perfect and no one can overcome it. Now after almost 3000 years after the blessings, you can see how the world is blessed through the descendants of Abraham.
Was Abraham an Israelite? This question is simply an idiotic question. Abraham was not an Israelite. Israelites were the real descendants of Abraham. Abraham’s grandson is called Israel. Abraham’s son inherited the true blessing from him and he gave the same blessing to Jacob, which Jacob got it through wrong way. But blessing will not be erased by God, and so his blessings got inherited to his children, the Israelites, since God changed his name Israel. “God said to him, your name is Jacob, but you will no longer be called Jacob; your name will be Israel. So he names him Israel” – Genesis 35: 10.

The inventions that changed the modern world are from Jews. The laser beam which works in DVD or for treatments was invented by a Jew. The life saver for heart patients, the pacemaker was developed by a Jew. The stainless steel vessels we use in kitchen, we should give thanks for a Jew who invented stainless steel. Albert Einstein, the man who made the formula Mass-Energy equivalence is also a Jew. The vaccines for Cholera, Polio and other plagues are being developed by Jews. The father of Atomic Bomb, Nuclear invention is a Jewish American. You can search in the google site for the list of inventions Jewish people have done, which through the world is blessed.

What more to say. Each and every one who use internet knows to search anything through Google. This same google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while the pair was attending Stanford University. Both these people, the founders are Jewish.

Still the person who does not considers the valid document from God, the Bible, is an idiot who is being trapped by the devil. All blessings and promises God have given to Israel is fulfilled and the world is witnessing it.

Same as stated in the Bible, the book of Isaiah and Jeramiah, Israel was torn by their enemies 2000 years ago. But the same God promised that he will set up Israel before his second coming. “The God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people” – Daniel 2: 44. For the last 68 years, the Arab countries which are around Israel tried to destroy them. But the creator of Heaven and Earth, as he promised gathered back the Jews and is protecting them from these nations which are against them. When war happens between Israel and other Arab nations, miracles happens as God miraculously protects his chosen children. Whenever a war happened, the causality from the side of Israel will be much less than from the other side, and more than that, this small state of Israel would have conquered the enemy territories most areas also.

And I will make you a great nation, And I will bless you, And make your name great; And so you shall be a blessing; And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed” – Genesis 12: 2-3.

Prophet Isaiah who prophesised about Jerusalem’s fall also told that when God gathers Israel back, God himself will reign on Jerusalem with great glory. You can see how he is protecting Israel from the terrorist’s nearby them. For the last 8 years Hamas, the terriost organization are firing rockets on Jewish soil, but God is protecting them by providing wisdom to counter attack it. Even sometimes he is changing the direction of the rocket to the sea – testimony by the Hamas itself.

Oh I get excited when I read about what is happening in Israel and how God is ruling them. Even though they don’t accept Christ as their saviour, God is favouring them since he promised it. The God who created the heaven and Earth, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God who says he is who he is, is real and one day I have to face him for sure. It is a matter of decision if I need to be with him, or go away from him. If I want to be with him, simply accept Christ as my saviour and confess my sins and live holy. Other case is simply for my own destruction.

The choice is for you to take.

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