Friday, August 1, 2014

Sowing Depth

Jesus Christ has said a parable about a sower. In that he mentions about a farmer going out to sow his seed. He mentions about the places where the seed falls when he scattered the seeds. In that only the ones which fell on good soil produced crop. Christ told this parable to teach about how the word is taken by different people. But in the mentioned parable we see, only the seeds which fell on the good soil produced crop. Same way there is certain things to do for some seeds before sowing or placing.

For some seeds to be planted, we provide spacing between individual seeds. Sometimes seeds will be sown into the soil by maintaining a planting depth of about 2-3 times the size of the seed. This is to make the seed grow better into the crop for better results.

As last month was a month of prayer for sowing, this month we concentrate of sowing in depth. Whatever you sow, better to sow in depth to earn better results. If you are trying for a changed life, go for a step head in trying to live holy. Of course we learn Christians are saved by grace, not by law. But if you are planning to live close with God, study the commandments deeply and try to obey, not to earn salvation, but to just sow in depth. Salvation is not earned; it is given by the grace of God. If you are sowing for financial results, go into deep the work which you are doing. If you are planning for a change in Job, learn some new fundamentals deeply before applying so that the deep knowledge you get will be able to reap results better.
You can see in the life of Job, when he had to go through all the tribulations, step by step he was improving his faith in God. Of course he questioned God, but after that even when his friends came against him, he showed the patience to listen them. Finally before getting the blessings back, he prayed for the same friends who were against him. It is not simple to pray wholeheartedly for someone who is against you. Job knew he was blameless and he knew what his friends pointing at him were not correct, or not true. But still he went in depth to show faithfulness to God by praying for them. (Job 42:10) The blessings he got were double of what he had.

We see this in the life of Apostle Paul. When Paul and Barnabas were at Lystra, some Jews came and stoned Paul and dragged him outside the city. They thought that he was dead. That means they had beaten him so badly. But the next day he went to Derbe to preach the word (Acts 14:19, 20). That was the commitment or in depth faithfulness to God, and as a result we, who are gentiles, came to know about the true God and are saved. The result is awesome.

I urge you to try whatever you are trying in a deeper way so that with the help and grace of God, you will accomplish more than what you thought of achieving. God bless you this month.

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