Monday, August 18, 2014

Live for Christ

Love for ChristThe heading Live for Christ does not mean to work full time for Christ alone. It does mean that with your regular Job, you can live and work for Christ also. Living for Christ does not mean that you have to work with files and books. It simply means to show to the world about the love and character of Christ through your life.

You can find some points through which you can live in Christ

Patience is one of the characters which should be shown in your life when you live for Christ. It is also one of the fruits of Holy Spirit which is developed in you when you accept Christ as your personal saviour. You need to show patience in everything in daily life so that the world will see your patience and will take a step to know about it and in the way can be leaded to Christ. “Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love” – Ephesians 4:2.

Humbleness should be the basic character in a Christ centred life. Jesus Christ, the Lord left his heavenly honour and came to the earth to lead a life according to the law and became an ultimate sacrifice for the man kind. He himself led a life with humbleness. He was so humble that when the enemies tried to kill him, he stood there without doing anything, which he could have done as he is God. When the enemy comes against you, be humble and show patience in your daily life. God who created you and the heavens and Earth is seeing you from above and he will know your heart and show you the results at his appointed time.

Love is the main character a follower of Jesus should have as Jesus is Love. Love covers all the characters Jesus had as it also covers patience and humbleness. So Love is the major character you should have in your life, the love for God and the love for other mankind. When you love others, you will have the compassion to know about their problems and pray for them so that they can also experience the love of Christ in their life. Love is one of the fruits of Holy Spirit also.

When people turn against you, it is difficult to love them and show patience and humbleness. To overcome this problem, the one good thing you need to do is work hard on what you are doing. If you are in a secular job, work hard so that you will earn results with the help of God and people can recognize you. Do your work, not bothering about what men points against you, be holy, and pray for yourself to be humble, having patience and love and pray for others.

It is difficult to live a life that of Jesus, to have patience, humbleness and with love. But pray hard, work hard, and see how the Holy Spirit helps you to live a life of Christ. God bless you.

Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love” – 1 John 4: 8.

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