Saturday, July 5, 2014

Prayer for Sowing

As half of this year have already gone, and still nothing have changed in your life, it’s better to organize the next six months, sow nicely and reap throughout next year. When you see the creation in the Bible, you can find God creating things one by one each day. He did not do everything in a single day and made a mess. He organized everything and did it day by day. Genesis 1. He created the most valuable one, mankind on the last day. Each and everything he created he saw it well.
When we meditate the word of God, we find each thing he does is an organized way. So let us spend the next 6 months in an organized way for sowing.
Prayer is important in any man’s life. Without having a connection with God, you cannot move forward without falling. If you check the prayer life of great men of God, we can find they starts day with prayer of more than 3 hours. George Muller began each day with several hours of prayer, Bishop Lancelot Andrews allotted 5 hours per day to prayer, and Charles Simeon rose at 4.00 am to begin his four hour prayer. The Korean Christian minister Dr. David Yongii Cho who has the record number of members (8Lac) in his church, starts the day with prayer of more than 3 hours. All these ministers’ prayers for the guidance for the ministry they do.
Before sowing anything, it is a must to pray for the blessing and guidance from God. When the work you are about the do is sealed by God, no powers of darkness can touch it and take it away. In the 6 months, this month give more importance to prayer. It does not mean other month any prayer. But prayer should be your premier priority this month, along with your work which you are going to sow.
Prayer should not only for you. Once you start pray genuinely, you will see devil bringing disturbances, depression and all kinds of discouragement in your life. That time, stand up and pray for others. There will be people around you who don’t know about Christ. Just go around their places and pray genuinely for their salvation in your mind. See the change and accept the goodness of God.
As the beginning of sowing, this month – The Month of Prayer

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