Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Prayer and Success

Oral Roberts once wrote about success as, if someone bends you and immerse your head into water till your neck for 3 seconds, you won’t bother, but if he holds your head for near to 1 minute, the struggle you take to come up should be given in our prayer life for gaining success.

 As a believer, it’s not perfect as you do your business fairly and wait for success. You sow with prayer and wait on the feet of the Lord to attain wisdom and reap the benefits and more.

Then Isaac sowed in that land, and reaped in the same year a hundred fold; and the Lord blessed in. the man began to prosper and continued prospering until he became very prosperous” – Genesis 26: 12, 13.

When your work is blessed by Lord, you will be shocked to see how he blesses you. You will reap double or more than what you imagine. As Lord blessed Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Israel, his chosen one, same love and mercy is shown towards you who are chosen by the blood of Christ Jesus. Until he blesses, you cannot go one step ahead in your spiritual and material prosperity. Until he blesses you, you may not able to control the new endeavours as he gives wisdom for you to take right decisions. Until God blesses you, demonic forces will not leave you as they will always try to put confusions into your thought.

Friends, be unto the throne on God, Confess and Accept Christ and ask him to bless you. When you totally submit yourself to him, he will take control of your brain, heart and the Holy Spirit will start guiding you to take decisions and do things. Be committed to God in Prayer and fasting and reap success, a double fold.

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