Sunday, July 6, 2014

Knowing Prayer

I can share you a story with you. Imagine I have a bundle of chart sheet which can be used to do activities in my child’s school and my friend knows I have extra papers always. One day he came late from work and came to know the next day his child has to submit some work with the Chart sheet. Since all the shops were closed, he will first think about me as he knows that I am having it. Now if he calls me in the midnight and I pick up and tells him I am sleeping, if it is urgent, he won’t bother about my sleep as he knows it is not about the sleep, it’s about the one which he wants and which I am having. He won’t bother about anything until he gets it. For me, since I need a peaceful sleep, I will get up and give what he wants; otherwise he will disturb me until he gets the chart.
When you read the Bible Luke 11: 5-13, we see Jesus Christ teaching the disciples how to pray and in what way they should pray. He further teaches them, if you go to a neighbor friend at midnight for 3 loaves of bread as your dear friend came and you don’t have anything to give him, you will knock the door until you get the bread. The friend’s excuse won’t work, and eventually will give you the bread.
The principle is simple. You knew what you want and knew what your friend have. So you go and ask exactly the same thing which he has. Jesus further tells us “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened” – Luke 11: 9, 10.
In Mathew 15 we see the faith of a Canaanite woman. Even though Jesus tried to question her since she was not Jew, still she went behind him for her daughter’s healing. And the request was granted.
In a nutshell, prayer is to believe in faith that you are going to get what you are going to ask, when you know what you need, and you understand in faith that the God whom you ask is able to provide it for you more than what you ask. Friends keep faith and knock and knock until you get it, if you know you need it for good and for the glory of God.

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