Sunday, February 9, 2020

Powerful Faith

The person who goes to gym to build a muscular body will never get it in a day or two. They have to work on the workouts given to them by the instructor and should have patience, by not stopping in between, but to work on it.

Same way an endurance runner is not made in one day. The runner has to practice and run small distance first and increase the distance patiently. It takes some time before the runner can become a full marathoner and then an ultra-runner.

Same way, to have a powerful faith, one should have patience and should go through trials and temptations in life.

If someone goes to a bible college or seminary, study full theology, read the bible 100 times, even by heart it, his faith is not going to become strong unless he goes through small tests in his life to the big ones.

In the Bible Abraham is called the Father of Faith. He was called by God in Genesis 11-12. He had to go through lots of tests. When God calls, it doesn’t mean you are free from any trials. But God provides you tests to make your faith strong. God was testing Abraham and was promising him blessing also. Finally God blessed him with a son, Isaac.

In Genesis 22, we see an ultimate test of faith in Abraham’s life. He was asked by God to sacrifice his own son. Even though he was sad and broken, he listened to God. God tested Abraham’s faith and Abraham passed it and God saved Isaac and also blessed Abraham more powerfully.

Strengthening faith is a day to day process. When the world comes against you and you are living according to the promise of God, your faith will be tested badly. As a spiritual child of Abraham, may The Lord be with you and provide you the same faith in you to listen to the Holy voice and live accordingly in the midst of severe trials, to strengthen your faith and be a testimony to the creator.

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