Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Glory of God

In the book of Mathew 17 we see, Jesus Christ, with his three disciples, called them and went to the mountain. When he was there, his appearance changed and his face shone like the sun and clothes became as white as light. With him Moses and Elijah appeared. The glory of God was shown and a voice came that Jesus is Fathers dearly son. When the glory of God and His sound came, disciples fell face down on the ground. The glory of God reveals his children and destroys the evil.

In Exodus 24, when The Lord called up Moses to the mountain, the glory of God came to Sinai and covered it for 6 days. For the people who were down the mountain, it was looking like a consuming fire. We can see Moses communicated with God face to face and his face was radiating God’s glory. God’s glory will not only destroy the enemies, but also will radiate through His faithful servants.

Rulers of the earth are preparing battles against Lord and his beloved people. But the scripture says, God is laughing at them. There is always a warning when persecution against his children happens. God rebukes the one who fight against his children (Psalms 2)

In the history of Israel, we see, whenever they cried, the Lord helped, Even though he is a forgiving God, he rebukes the one who are against his children. When he reveals his glory, the enemy flees.

The nation of Israel survived these years with the help of God’s glory. A small nation, but a super powerful nation has the glory of God. As the New Testament Israel, the believers of Christ Jesus will be protected the same way when the glory of God comes. How can you attain this glory?

When the Spirit of God touches you and anoints you, the glory of God will be revealed through your life. It is like a fire which burns down all the worldly powers against your soul and you will be attached with God, like Moses (Acts 2).

To be filled with the Spirit, you need to accept Christ as your saviour and walk in His ways. It is God’s timing when to fill you and according to your walk with Him, you are going to be filled and more power and glory will surround you (Acts 11: 24). May The Lord help you to walk His ways and fill you with His glory to be a testimony for Him.

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