Sunday, October 29, 2017

The BOOK – Sow and Reap

Nahum was probably a native of Galilee and lived at the time of King Hezekiah and prophet Isaiah. The theme of this book is the destruction of Nineveh, the city Jonah warned. Nineveh is a culprit and God is sending Nahum to declare his righteous judgement upon her. In the Judgement of Nineveh, God is judging a sinning world. Nahum was written about 150 years after the revival of Jonah’s day when the city of Nineveh was brought to repentance in “dust and ashes”. Mercy unheeded finally brings judgement.

God sent Nahum to predict the final doom and complete overthrow of Nineveh and her empire. This empire had been built up by violence. The Assyrians were great warriors. They were out on riding expeditions continually. They built their state on the loot of other people. They did everything to inspire terror. They said they did this in obedience to their god, Asshur. God was going to doom Nineveh to perish in a violent and extraordinary way (Nahum 2:11-12). Nahum’s prophecy was not a call to repentance, but the statement of certain and final doom (Nahum 1:9; 3:18-19).

Nahum 1:2-7, gives us an excellent opportunity of presenting the attributes of God.
·         Is Jealous
·         Is avenging
·         Is filled with wrath at evildoers
·         Maintains wrath against his enemies
·         Is great in power
·         Will not leave the guilty unpunished
·         Is Indignant

As father, he is
·         Slow to anger
·         Good
·         A stronghold in the day of trouble
·         Knowing them that trust him

The verdict of Nineveh by Nahum s seen in Nahum 1:8-14
·         Condemned to utter destruction – Nahum 1:8-9
·         Captured while defenders were drunk – Nahum 1:10
·         Name blotted out – Nahum 1:14
·         God to dig her grave – Nahum 1:14

Nahum told this destruction as prophecy. We look at it today as history.

The picture of the siege and fall of Nineveh and the desolation that followed are described with graphic eloquence in Nahum 2:3. God would make an end of her with an overrunning flood, her name would be utterly cut off and he would dig her grave. The Medes and Babylonians completely destroyed Nineveh in 612 BC. It occurred at the Zenith of her power. According to Nahum’s prophecy, it came true – a sudden rise of tigers, carrying away a great part of the wall, assisted the attacking army of the Medes and Babylonians in its overthrow (Nahum 2:6). The city was partly destroyed by fire (Nahum 3:13,15).

Nineveh is a type of all nations that turn their backs on God. In our day, proud civilizations are staking everything upon the strength of people power and machines and there is a terrible disregard of God. We find that Nineveh was overthrown because of her sin (Nahum 3:1-7) and that her great wealth and strength were not sufficient to save her (Nahum 3:8-19). Often time’s nations and people depend upon might and power to survive. They forget that it is not by might nor by power, but by my spirit, says the Lord Almighty (Zechariah 4:6).

The person or nation that deliberately and finally rejects God, deliberately and finally and fatally elects doom. Beware!!

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