Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The BOOK - The King Proven

From 1 Samuel 16 to 31, we see Prophet Samuel mourning for Saul. God rebukes him and tells him to arise and anoint the new King (1 Samuel 16:1).

David was one of the greatest characters of all times. He made contributions to the history of Israel both spiritually and nationally. He was the son of Jesse and great grandson of Ruth and Boaz. He was born in Bethlehem. He was the youngest of eight sons. When David was only eighteen, God told Samuel to anoint him King to succeed Saul. Here when Samuel came to Jesse’s house to anoint David, we see the most important aspect in God’s ministry. Jesse lined up all his seven sons except David. But God called David who was treated not high as his brothers. Same way, the world may treat you low, but God who sees everyone’s heart can call you, even if you are weak in all the walks of life. Once he got anointed he had to fight his life against wild animals. Same way once you are anointed, you need to fight against all the oppositions enemy brings before you, and mind, with God you will have the last laugh.

When David was promised to a high command in the army, his great success roused the jealousy of Saul who determined to kill him. He made five attacks on David’s life (1 Samuel 19:10, 15. 20-21, 23-24). But God preserved David. “If God is for us, who can be against us” (Romans 8:31). David was delivered from all these dangers. Psalms written by David talks about this (Psalm 59, 37). All this was the training for the one whom God was preparing for the throne. He not only learned how to handle men, but also how to handle himself. He became independent and courageous. He learned to trust God, not men. He always awaited God’s time.

David grew under his trials and afflictions. Instead of letting Saul’s hatred harden his heart, he returned love for hate. He learned to be a warrior. He was to become the head of a great-nation, and God was training him for active service. 

Twice was Saul’s life in David’s hand but both times he spared Saul. After Saul and his sons were killed by the Philistines David’s exile ended, which started when Saul tried to kill him.  Saul died on the field of battle by his own hand. Advantages and opportunities in youth never guarantee success in manhood. One must keep true to God. Saul’s undoing was not so much disobedience, as half-hearted obedience. He was a victim of human pride and jealousy.

May the opportunities and blessings God gave you, be utilized carefully for your life and your generations for the glory of God, Amen

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