Monday, May 29, 2017

The BOOK – David’s Rise

The second book of Samuel describes the enthronement of God’s King, David, and the establishment of the “House of David” through which the Messiah, Christ Jesus, should later come. When Christ comes again, he will sit upon the throne of David (Isaiah 9:7, Luke 1:32).

The contents of this book will be easier to remember if we study it as a biography. First can be summarized as the testing days of David.

·         Called from the Sheepfold (1 Samuel 16:11-13)
·         Given victory over Goliath (1 Samuel 17)
·         Persecuted by Saul (1 Samuel 18 to end)

Since the children of Israel clamoured for a King, God gave them one after their own heart, Saul. Then he gave them one after his own heart, David. The summary of 2nd Samuel is

·         David was made the King over Judah (2 Samuel 1-4)
·         David’s sin (2 Samuel 11)
·         David was made King over all Israel (2 Samuel 5-24)

David was a man after God’s own heart – not because of boasted perfection, but because of confessed imperfections. His start was slow and discouraging. But David had faith in God. He was patient and was willing to wait for God to lead. He was humble in his success and when he sinned he genuinely repented. He never forgot that God was supreme. When he sinned, he bowed in patience and sorrow, and God forgave him. 

The war between the house of Saul and the house of David lasted a long time. David grew stronger and stronger, while the house of Saul grew weaker and weaker. The cause of its weakness was that God was against it. 

One of the great results of David’s kingship was the unity of the whole nation under him as leader. We find a united people under a young leader united to God. He captured Jerusalem, made it the capital, built it bigger and stronger and unified the people. He wished and wanted to bring the Ark of God into the new ruling centre, After the Ark, he called Nathan, the prophet and consulted him about building a temple for Jehovah. But God had a different purpose for David. 

A real servant learns what God’s will is and yields the will to the Master’s.  Sometimes God does things which may hurt you for a while, but the real purpose will be blossomed at the appointed time and you will understand why you went through all the hurdles.

 May God help you to understand his will, like that of David and lead a life pleasing to God and reap the blessings from him, Amen.

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