Friday, January 6, 2017


Our faith depends on the unchangeable and unmistakable word of God through which Human Knowledge and scientific advance came. Bible contains 66 books written by different men, inspired by the Spirit of God over a period of several hundred years. People think because of advance in knowledge, Bible is out dated. But to all who read it and love the Bible, it’s relevant to their generation. Through this book we can find answers for where we came from? Why we are here? Where we are going? And what is the purpose of our existence? Even though Bible is the most available, open book, it is a closed book to majority as they leave it unread or read it without applying its teachings to themselves.

As you start reading and studying the Bible, there are certain truths you need to know so that you will understand the basic theme of this book. 

Bible is a revelation of God written for the humanity and its theme revolves around salvation through Christ Jesus. Word Bible comes from the Greek work biblos, meaning “book”. Old Testament in Bible was written mostly in Hebrew language and translated to Greek. Our current English Bible is a translation from these original languages.

Bible consists of 66 books, written by 40 authors in a period of approximately 1600 years. Bible is divided into two testaments – Old Testament and New Testament. Testament means covenant. Old Testament is the covenant of Law God made with his people and New Testament is the covenant of Grace that comes through Jesus Christ.

Old Testament begins with God (Genesis 1:1)
New Testament begins with Christ (Mathew 1:1)
From Adam to Abraham, we can see the history of human race.
From Abraham to Christ, we can see the chosen race – Israel.
From Christ on we have the history of Church.

For a person who does not know about the Bible may not get any idea with these facts. For them, in a nutshell – God created the world and human race from nothing, but through his word. Man sinned against Holy God and forgiveness of sin comes from sacrifice. Without holiness man cannot talk with God. God chooses a particular race (Israel) to be his people and taught them how to be close with him in holiness through laws and sacrifices. But the chosen people did not obey him and so God decided to punish them. Since God knew that it is difficult for the people to live according to law and sacrifices, he chooses his only begotten son Jesus Christ to come to the world, obey the law faithfully and become an ultimate sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin for the whole world. Now God chooses the ones who believes in Christ Jesus and the salvation which is given through Jesus, so that they are not forced to live holy, but through Christ they live holy to walk close with God.

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