Friday, January 13, 2017

THE BOOK - Facts


Old Testament books are grouped as 
  • ·         Law – 5
  • ·         Historical -12
  • ·         Poetical – 5
  • ·         Prophetical – 17
New Testament books are grouped as
  • ·         Gospels – 4
  • ·         History – 1
  • ·         Prophecy – 1
  • ·         Epistles – 21
Regarding the verses
  • ·         Longest Chapter – Psalm 119
  • ·         Shortest Chapter – Psalm 117
  • ·         Longest Verse – Esther 8:9
  • ·         Shortest Verse – John 11:35
  • ·         Longest book in Old Testament – Psalms
  • ·         Longest book in New Testament – Mathew
When you study the Bible, throughout the chapters you should get the continuation. So these Principle periods will help you go through.
  • ·         Creation
  • ·         Fall of man
  • ·         Flood
  • ·         Tower of Babel
  • ·         Call of Abraham
  • ·         The descent into Egypt
  • ·         Exodus from Egypt
  • ·         Passover
  • ·         Giving the Law
  • ·         Wandering in wilderness
  • ·         Conquest of the promise land – Canaan
  • ·         Rule of Judges
  • ·         Anointing of Saul as King – The United Kingdom
  • ·         Golden Age of David and Solomon
  • ·         The divided Kingdom – Israel and Judah
  • ·         Captivity of Israel
  • ·         Captivity of Judah
In between the Captivity, there is a small return at the time of Ezra. While still in Captivity, the New Testament starts
  • ·         Early Life of Jesus
  • ·         Ministry of Christ
  • ·         Death and Resurrection of Christ
  • ·         Jesus Ascends to Heaven
  • ·         Anointing at the day of Pentecost
  • ·         Church in Jerusalem
  • ·         Church extending to Gentiles
  • ·         Church in all the World
  • ·         Second coming of Jesus Christ
Instead of simply reading from one end of the Bible, if you go through these facts, you will have an understanding on what you are reading.
May the Spirit of God help you and guide you to study thy word faithfully, Amen.

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