Sunday, February 4, 2024

Message - Be Humble


There are certain words that are not in use these days. One is compassion and another is Being Humble. When you consider these words, both are related. When you are humble, you will have compassion on others.

The world may change its behavior, but the Word of God is same today. “The Lord sustains the humble but casts the wicked to the ground” – Psalm 147: 6.

As believers of Christ Jesus, humbleness should be your life style. Being humble doesn’t mean you need to behave like everyone to please them. It means you should not be arrogant, but be calm in all situation. Mainly you should have a compassionate heart towards the needy. Everything should be done to attract people towards Christ Jesus. You need to have the fruits of the Holy Spirit.

Paul lists the rights of an Apostle in 1 Corinthians 9. Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 9: 22 – “To the week I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some”. Now a days we see the ones who are called the servants of God being arrogant and harsh towards the weak. To know the weak ones, you need to have a compassionate heart. When you see yourself in their position, you will understand their situation and you will show the love of Christ upon them.

The ones who are highly educated and those who are in high positions of society use the weak and poor people, manipulate them and take advantage of them to increase wealth or positions. They term it as management principle. But when you are in Christ, you will show compassion upon them and guide them towards success and introduce them to the savior.

How to be humble? Just talk to God. Talk to God regularly. We name it as prayer. But even in other times, while walking alone, you can talk with God in with your mouth shut. Read the word of God and try to understand it. When you read the word, you will understand the fruits of the Holy Spirit and you will know what to talk to God in your private time.

Once you start walking with God, you will become humble. Always keep in mind that Satan will be behind you especially when you start your walk with God. Satan will try to influence people and make them to insult you and ask you favor that will put you into trouble. That is why you need to read the word of God and show boldness while being humble. Always remember that giving favor to a person means God will be the one who pushes you to do, not any other person. So always beware of false people.

From this day on, may The Lord help you to understand the word of God and guide you to lead a life of humbleness with prayer for you to bring souls towards Christ Jesus.

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