Sunday, July 3, 2022

Hear the Servant


We are living in the world where people acts like God, consider themselves as Gods and show themselves as God to others. At the same time, we see some believers going after people and compel to take a dip in the water to be free from all the problems. Some visits houses and pray to get money.

What does Jesus tell about His servants? In Luke 10, Jesus calls 72 people and asked them to go and witness. He told them to preach peace, heal the sick (pray) and if they provide you food, take it. Servants of God should have a main objective to proclaim peace to the place they visit. So the first quality you can find in a genuine servant of God will be that he is a man of peace. He won’t visit you to divide your family, or relatives, or church. You can listen to him and his next quality will be to pray for your health and safety. That’s why Jesus is commanding His servants to go and heal the sick.

In 2 Kings 5, we see an army commander called Naaman, listening to a servant girl, went to see Elisha. Naaman had leprosy and he was expecting Elisha to do some great miracle for healing. But Elisha sent a messenger and told him to wash in Jordan seven times. He felt embarrassed to do so. But then he listened to his servants and went. The seventh time he went to the river, he got healed.

 A servant of God will be glorifying the cross and the sacrifice of Christ instead of his personal achievements. Listen to the ones who boast about Christ, not about himself. (Galatians 6).

Now days it is difficult to find a perfect servant of God. Lots of fake people are around for fulfilling their own personal needs. In the midst of these, we can recognize servants of God by the way they glorify Jesus and the peace and peaceful solutions they give after much prayer. May The Lord enable you to find these servants and get motivated to be one among them. May God bless you!

Friday, July 1, 2022

Just a love toward God can change your life


As today is the start of a new month, it is a good thing to have a decision to love God. Why we need to love Him? We need to love Him because He loved us first. (1 John 4: 19). Yes God loved us first and gave His son as a sacrifice for our sins. Jesus could have stayed in heaven and enjoy His Heavenly Kingdom. But He choose to die for the sins we have done against Him. According to the law He suffered and died for our sins and through that His love towards us was shown.

How can we love Him? Of course for the above reason we can love Him. But to know Him and His sacrifice better, you need to study the law and The 10 commandments (Exodus 20). If you feel that you are a perfect person, try reading the commandments and the gospels in New Testaments. Christ has given wonderful and meaningful explanations of the commandments for us to understand that we are sinners. Once you find out you are a sinner and understand that Christ died and suffered for all your sins, you will start loving Him.

Is that enough? In John 14: 15, Jesus told if you love Him, you not only will accept Him as your savior, but also keep Him commandments. Yes, that is the way to show your genuine love and faith towards God. Keep His commandments. Holy Spirit will help you when you take a step and decide to live according to the commands of God (John 14).

Every time and in every situation, you will have a choice. God gave us intelligence to take decision. So in every situation it is up to you to take the right decision whether to go according to the word or according to the world. For that you need to know the word of God. So the first step is to read and meditate the word of God. Then you will understand which way to move forward or The Holy Spirit will guide you in your walk.

By showing your love towards God, you are going to be blessed because you will be taking the right decisions and even if you go the wrong way, you will confess the mistake and return to the way God wants you to move. Just a love toward God can change your life. May God bless you!