Wednesday, May 1, 2019

God’s Work

May Day is a celebration of changing season as well as a day to celebrate worker’s rights.

On May 1, 1886, hundreds of thousands of industrial workers participated in a strike to demand an eight-hour workday instead of 10 to 16 hours per day. The protesters ended with a brawl with police officers and several strikers were wounded or killed. Following that next day police opened fire on the protesting crowd, killing several men.

In commemoration of these events, the international Socialist Conference declared May 1 as an international holiday for labour.

When you read the Bible we understand the first worker is God himself. He worked for 6 days and rested on the seventh day (Genesis 1: 1-15). For the creation of mankind, God created Heavens, Earth, Sea, Plants, and Animals etc. So here God was very systematic and organized in his work. He was also focused on His work as he knew He is going to make man and He wanted to provide all the necessary things for man before man is created. In this day, let everyone be systematic and organized and be focused on their work, not wasting any time.

Genesis 1: 31 declares that, when God saw the fruit of His labour, He call it “very good”. Similarly, whatever job one does, do it in a way that after finishing it, you should say yourself that what you have done is perfect. God saw the quality of His work and so should you.

Whatever work you do, do it as if you are doing for God, not for your boss. Always think about God’s work and work for him. “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters” – Colossians 3: 24

And finally reveal yourself by your work. When you read the Bible, we can see God reveals Himself to the world by His work (Psalms 19). God’s existence is made known to every person on earth. Same way you need to reveal yourself that you are a child of the God and your character, motivation, skills, abilities and personality should be revealed through your work.

Let The Spirit of God guide you to do your work same way Jesus did His work in the world, with focus, integrity and consistency.

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