Sunday, May 12, 2019

Real Life Hero

On May 7, 2019, two students got inside their school at Highlands Ranch, Colorado with guns and started shooting their school mates. But an 18 year old school boy Kendrick Castillo jumped in front of the shooter and saved his school mates, unfortunately losing his life.

On November 26, 2008, when the terrorists attacked Taj Hotel at Mumbai, India, an NSG commander Sandeep Unnikrishnan, who was at the hotel to rescue the hostages, saved his fellow commando who was hit with bullet and then chased the terrorist, finally getting killed. His last words were, “Do not come up, I will handle them”.

The first time when man sinned, the mankind was punished to eternal death. But God gave them the choice to escape from it by sacrificing animals. Seeing the sinful situation of humans, God himself came in the form of man, Jesus and dwelled among them (John 1: 14). Having compassion towards the humans, all the sins of mankind was put upon Christ Jesus and he was given the ultimate punishment. Taking up all the sins, Jesus was sent to the eternal death to save every one of us. He took the punishment and removed the sin from mankind. He became the saviour of everyone.

As we see daily Heroes who gave their life for others, always remember the saviour Jesus Christ who saved everyone who believes in him from eternal death. May you understand this great gift and let the Spirit of God help you to accept Christ as your saviour, repent your sins and accept that free salvation which is given by Christ alone.

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord”, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved” – Romans 10: 9, 10.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

New Life

There are people who are addicted to worldly pleasures and sins. There near ones try to counsel them or take them to de-addiction centre. Now days the youth has fallen into the trap of drugs, which is hideous. Once you are addicted to any worldly pleasures, it is difficult to come out and have a new life.

When you check through the Bible, in Acts 9, we see a man called Saul, who was so religious that he disliked Christian believers and wanted to kill them. But then Jesus changed his life and he ended up being a powerful believer and wrote majority of Epistles in the Bible. It all happened the moment Jesus talked to him. His life got changed and he got a new life.

In India a man called Sundar Singh lived in the state of Punjab. He was so fount of his religion and he persuaded to kill Christians. He gathered the Bibles and burned them. Then one day he got a vision of Jesus and his life changed. He got a new life and he became a great missionary called Sadhu Sundar Singh.

When you have a new life, the old will be forgotten. “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come, the old has gone, and the new is here!” – 2 Corinthians 5: 17. This happened in the life of Saul in Acts 2. After he saw Jesus, his life changed and he left his friends and horse who accompanied him in the journey. Same way when you are changed in Christ Jesus, you will leave your worldly friends and relatives.

Everywhere persecutions against the Christian believers are going on. Never have I heard that any believer opposing against the mob or terrorists with weapons. These has being happening from the beginning and guess what, people are leaving their old worldly religion and accepting Christ Jesus. Before Jesus ascended to Heaven, He called His disciples and told them to go everywhere and make disciples for Christ, not through weapons, but through love. Why? Because only way to reach heaven is to get saved and accept Christ as their saviour.

May the Spirit of God help you to repent sins and accept salvation in Christ Jesus to have an eternal life. “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins” – Acts 2: 38

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

God’s Work

May Day is a celebration of changing season as well as a day to celebrate worker’s rights.

On May 1, 1886, hundreds of thousands of industrial workers participated in a strike to demand an eight-hour workday instead of 10 to 16 hours per day. The protesters ended with a brawl with police officers and several strikers were wounded or killed. Following that next day police opened fire on the protesting crowd, killing several men.

In commemoration of these events, the international Socialist Conference declared May 1 as an international holiday for labour.

When you read the Bible we understand the first worker is God himself. He worked for 6 days and rested on the seventh day (Genesis 1: 1-15). For the creation of mankind, God created Heavens, Earth, Sea, Plants, and Animals etc. So here God was very systematic and organized in his work. He was also focused on His work as he knew He is going to make man and He wanted to provide all the necessary things for man before man is created. In this day, let everyone be systematic and organized and be focused on their work, not wasting any time.

Genesis 1: 31 declares that, when God saw the fruit of His labour, He call it “very good”. Similarly, whatever job one does, do it in a way that after finishing it, you should say yourself that what you have done is perfect. God saw the quality of His work and so should you.

Whatever work you do, do it as if you are doing for God, not for your boss. Always think about God’s work and work for him. “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters” – Colossians 3: 24

And finally reveal yourself by your work. When you read the Bible, we can see God reveals Himself to the world by His work (Psalms 19). God’s existence is made known to every person on earth. Same way you need to reveal yourself that you are a child of the God and your character, motivation, skills, abilities and personality should be revealed through your work.

Let The Spirit of God guide you to do your work same way Jesus did His work in the world, with focus, integrity and consistency.