Friday, April 19, 2019

Perfect Sacrifice

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" - John 3: 16.

When God created first man and woman, He wanted them to stay close with Him and live holy as He is Holy (1 Peter 1: 16). God gave them authority to take decisions on their own, but they used it to disobey God and therefore fell into sin.

According to God's law of Holiness, without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness (Hebrews 9: 22). Only through cleansing of blood can a person become sin free. For this reason God called Israel and taught them sacrifices through the blood of goats and calves. But it was temporary forgiveness of sin as they need to do these sacrifices regularly.

But God decided to send His only son as he promised to the first man (Genesis 3: 15), and Jesus came to this world as human, obeyed God's laws perfectly and became an ultimate sacrifice for the sin of all mankind. God made Jesus's sacrifice as a permanent remission of sin (Hebrews 10: 10-18).

Good Friday is the day the world meditates upon Christ's sacrifice for the entire humanity. This sacrifice does not mean that everyone is saved. According to John 3: 16, whoever believes in Christ and his sacrifice and who in turn will repent, is going to get saved and his/her sins are going to be washed by the blood of Christ Jesus.

In this world people follow and go behind millions of God to get saved, and they dislike this one God who came to this world to save his children. On this day may The Lord help you and introduce himself to you so that you will repent your sins and accept him and get saved, and in course meditate His word and live accordingly.

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