Sunday, August 5, 2018

God’s Prophet - Jeremiah

Jeremiah came from the village of Anathoth some 3 miles from Jerusalem. This gave him the advantages of the Holy City. He inherited the traditions of an illustrious ancestry. His early life was, no doubt, molded by strong religious influences. God had something better for Jeremiah than to spend his life as a priest serving at the alters. God appointed this young man to be a prophet of the Lord in this most trying hour in the history of the chosen people. God often choses unlikely instruments to do his work. He chose the sensitive shrinking Jeremiah for what seemed a hopeless mission, with the words, “Do not say, I am only a child, you must go to everyone I send you to say whatever I command you, do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you, declares the Lord” – (Jeremiah 1:7-8). This is what a prophet is - one that tells forth what God says.

Jeremiah prophesied during the time when Israel had been taken into captivity and Judah was in the declining days. Lists of the prophecies of Jeremiah are:
·         Judah – Captivity. Restoration
·         Cities – Jerusalem, Babylon, Damascus
·         Gentile nations – Egypt, Philistia, Moab, Ammon, Edom, Elam, Babylon
·         Messiah

Jeremiah uses many symbols given him by God in teaching the people. On one occasion he wore a rotted girdle, another time he put a yoke on his neck, like an ox, again he broke a bottle in the presence of the ruler, he bought a field and buried the deed. He was the ninth of the prophets. He prophesied to the Southern Kingdom of Judah, before the exile and during the trying days of the captivity. He saw five kings upon the throne of Judah: Josiah, Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin and Zedekiah. He was to Josiah what Isaiah had been to Hezekiah. 

There were three main events in Jeremiah’s life:

·         Battle of Megiddo, between Judah ad Pharaoh Necho of Egypt in which good king Josiah was killed
·         Battle of Carchemish, which happened during Jehoiakim’s reign. Egyptians were defeated by Babylon under Nebuchadnezzar and the first deportation of Jews followed.
·         Capture of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar, destruction of city and temple, and exile of greater part of those who were left by Babylon.

A prophet is simply God’s messenger boy delivering not his own ideas, but conveying to the last detail God’s thoughts. Jeremiah’s commission was worldwide, including not only his own country, but also all nations and kingdom of Egypt, Ammon, Moab, Tyre and Sidon. His commission was to root out the idolatry and pride and to say only what the Lord commanded him to say.

In Jeremiah 1:9, you see the touch of God on Jeremiah’s life. “Then the Lord reached out his hand”. This touch of God on his life gave him the confidence that God was with him and he could not get away from it. God’s word shows its power in two ways – in destruction and in construction. We see this in God’s words to Jeremiah. If people accept God’s word it will give life, it they reject it, it will bring condemnation (John 3:36).

We see the warnings God gave to his chosen people so that they can leave sin and live a righteous life. God chosed Jeremiah for cautioning the people. In the beginning of his ministry he faced difficulties, which God told was just a beginning of the trials he is going to face. From this book, we can understand two things. First one is to honour God and live a godly life when we are told about our sin. Because otherwise, even when grace is unlimited, we may have to face the punishment. Second is to understand when you carry God in your life, hardship will always be there following you.

Other prophets in the Bible had at least occasional success to cheer their hearts in the midst of difficulties, but Jeremiah seemed to be fighting a losing battle to the very end. Disaster, failure and hostility were rewards for his work. He preached to deaf ears and seemed to reap only hate in return for his love for his people. In life he seemed to accomplish little. He was broken hearted. But God has given us a record that makes him one of the greatest prophets. God delights to trust a trustworthy child with a trial. When we go through tough times, stay connected with the love of God, even though you don’t see any results.

May Almighty help you to understand the relationship between Jeremiah and God, so that you can have him as an example in your life, and live a holy and faithful life to glorify God.

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