Saturday, April 14, 2018

Messianic Family

Ruth was the great-grand mother of David. This book establishes the lineage of David, the ancestor of Christ. It tells of the beginning of the Messianic family within the Messianic nation into which over thousand years later, the Messiah was to be born.

Ruth was a Moabitess. These people were descendants of Lot. They were pagans, worshiping many gods and goddesses. God, in establishing the family that was to produce the world’s Saviour, chose a beautiful pagan girl, led her to Bethlehem where she met Boaz, her “kinsman redeemer”, a relative of Naomi who first made her a family member and then made her his bride. This is God’s grace.

God adopts gentiles into Christ’s family. Even though Ruth was born a pagan, through Naomi, she learned of true God.
Another truth in this book is about Boaz. Boaz was the son of Rahab, the prostitute found in Jericho (Joshua 2). You can see it in the genealogy of Christ Jesus (Mathew 1:5). So we see that David’s great grandmother was a Moabitess and his great grandfather was half Canaanite. This is found in the bloodline of the Messiah.

God called a nation to be his chosen people. But he proved through this book that through faith; even a gentile can become his chosen one. That is why through Jesus Christ, the believers are called New Israel. Whatever blessings God pronounced to his chosen people in the Old Testament are available to the New Israel who is in Christ Jesus.

May God enable you to stay close with Christ Jesus to claim the blessings and companionship which God gave to the chosen one.

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