Saturday, November 25, 2017

The BOOK – Gift of God

The Gospel of Mathew starts with the genealogy of Jesus Christ the son of David, the son of Abraham. This statement links Christ with two of the great covenants God made with David and Abraham. God’s covenant with David consisted of the promise of a King to sit upon his throne forever (2 Samuel 7:8-13). Gods covenant with Abraham promised that through him should all families of the earth be blessed (Genesis 12:3). David’s son was a King and Abraham’s son was a sacrifice. Mathew opens with the birth of a King and closes with the offering of a sacrifice. 

Jesus is associated with the Jewish nation. Mathew used wisdom in not alienating the Jews who might read the story. He is convincing them that this one fulfilled every prophecy spoken concerning their promised Messiah. He quotes freely from the Old Testament. On every page he is trying to connect the Gospel with the prophets and show that all of their teaching is being fulfilled in the person and kingdom of Jesus Christ. Mathew, the author is no doubt a Jewish believer in Jesus (Mathew 9:9; 10:3). He was a tax collector at Capernaum under the Roman law when Jesus chose him as one of the 12 disciples. In Luke we find his other name, Levi. 

The Gospel of Mathew breaks the silence of 400 years between Malachi’s prophecy and the announcement of the birth of Jesus. Israel was under the domination of the Roman Empire. No man of the house of David had been allowed to sit upon the throne for 600 years. Mathew traces Jesus line back to Abraham and David to show he was a Jew. He shows Jesus as of royal descent, the King, the promised ruler of Israel. Of the 3 gospels, Mathew alone tells of the visit of the wise men from the east (Mathew 2:2). 

The birth of Jesus was followed by 12 years of silence until his visit with the teachers in Jerusalem. Then silence shut him in again, with the only word “carpenter” (Mathew 13:55), to let us know what he was doing. Jesus took 30 years of preparation for 3 years of ministry. 

Even though Jesus Christ was son of God, when he came to the world, he prepared himself to serve people. If you want to be in medical profession, you need to spend lots of time and years for your preparation. You cannot serve God without preparation. Even Paul had good knowledge on the Old Testament, before he saw Jesus and took his apostolic work.  I pray that God will help you in the preparation and call you at the right time to serve him.

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