Saturday, February 25, 2017

THE BOOK - Atonement Priests

 When you read the book of Leviticus, the first chapters talks about how to bring offering to God. Here we can find out that no one can bring it individually, his or her sacrifice to God at Alter. Everyone has to give it to the priest who in turn will offer it to God.

God designed and made a place for service. He then created the office for those who serve it. God choses one tribe out of the twelve to take care of the tabernacle. In the previous book of Exodus we can find when Moses was getting the laws and commandments from God, Israelites were worshiping other God. Moses came down and asked who is with him and the Levi tribe stood beside him and they got the golden opportunity to serve God. Now also there will be times or circumstances in our life where God will give us a choice to choose between Him or Money, or friends, or worldly lust. Be careful in taking decisions. When we choose God, He will lift you to be his servant to bring souls to his Kingdom. From the Levites, God choses Aaron’s family to be priests.

The priests had the charge of sacrifices and they were supported by the tithes of the people. The other Levities were the assistants. They took care of the Tabernacle, formed choirs and were guides and instructors in the later Temple. Priest offered prayers and praises and sacrifices of the people to God on their behalf. Priest stood for the people and pleaded their cause. When a person brings an animal sacrifice to the court, at the altar of burnt offering they lay hands on the animal’s head to express penitence and consecration. This animal is killed and its blood is sprinkled on the altar. 
Now the priest, representing the worshipper comes to the laver where he washes his hands, indicating the clean life that should follow forgiveness of sins. He then enters the Holy place where the lampstand and table of bread is there. He comes to the altar of incense and offer prayer. 

One day in a year the High priest will pass beyond the veil that separated the holy and the most holy place and stand before the mercy seat with the blood atonement to intercede for the people. After God told about the duties of Priests, the priests failed. Aaron’s 2 sons offered strange fire and got killed by God. 

Now in the New Testament, animal sacrifices are no longer necessary because all sacrifices were fulfilled in Christ. Christ is the great High Priest for humanity and is the only mediator between God and humanity. We approach God by Christ and him alone. When we see Christ as Priest, we see divine perfection. Since our high priest is Christ, it is not necessary that any child of God go before any person on earth to obtain entrance into the presence of God. Every Christian has the right to enter because he or she knows Jesus Christ.

There are people who go and bow down before the idol of Mary and other men of God. This is not only a sin according to the first commandment, but also they are not going to get saved from these people who have gone to be with the Lord. Five hundred years ago, the Catholic Church taught that the freedom from God’s punishment for sin could be purchased with money. But then God called a German professor named Martin Luther, who questioned this Catholic idiotism. Luther started the reformation which was then carried by John Calvin and John Knox.

For a person who is not a believer of Jesus, there is no need to go and offer any sacrifice or offerings. He need to do is repent his sins, accept Christ as his saviour and believe in Christ Jesus that Jesus became an ultimate sacrifice for his sins. Once you accept Christ as your saviour, you are a follower of Christ and the characteristics of Christ should reveal through you.

I pray that you believe in the High Priest Jesus Christ and live accordingly so that through you God can change and bring the unbelievers to his Kingdom.

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