Thursday, October 8, 2015

Keep Quiet

You can see around the world some people who do not stop talking. They talk about any topics and anything and are good in their social skills. They attract people towards them. So for them, it will be like inside a jail if they are in a quiet place for some time. For me, I appreciate those people since I don’t have a social skill to have a communication to anyone and everyone. 

I have seen the teenagers talking on the phone to their classmates or friends. Even in adults I have noticed this talking in phone for long hours. I use to wonder what they are talking about this much time. Are they talking about the International peace treaty or anything related to nuclear problems? To tell in simple words, you can’t describe what they talk because that will be so filthy and evil lustful, and they describe it as flirting. A way of Adultery which is described in the Bible.

It is same in the case of a person who talks too much. Most of the things he talks will be gossip. As God clearly warns about Adultery and Gossiping. 

A gossip betrays a confidence; so avoid anyone who talks too much” – Proverbs 20: 19

Instead of talking and spending time with people and gossiping, God wants his children to spend time with him. God wants us to do our duty, be quiet and love everyone. Loving everyone doesn’t means to be with them all the time. When you walk with God, the change you will have in your life speaks about you. You will be quiet, doesn’t mean you won’t talk, but you talk when needed, not disturbing others. More of your time you spend with God and the time you spend with men, you listen to them, talk to them without any gossip (Be careful in what you talk).

The tongue has the power of life and death” – Proverbs 18: 21.

I have seen Pastors and Evangelists who spend more time with God than man, who are very powerful in their ministry. For being powerful in a spiritual life, you need to have the power of the Holy Spirit, which you get only when you spend time with God.

Make it your ambition to lead a quiet lie: You should mind you own business and work with your hands” – 1 Thessalonians 4: 11.

When you stop the simple gossip talk, you will have time to think about what you talk, control it and be a role model to others. 

Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry” – James 1: 19.

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