Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Your Tongue

Recently I read about a sad story of a man who ended his life. Before ending his life he wrote about the events happened in his life from the time he was born. Since his birth was unexpected (unexpected pregnancy), his mother hated him. From the infant age onwards she uses to shout at him for everything. Any problem in any place she use to point to him and will use abuse words on him. So the regret of having parents who treats him like a loser made him actually a loser. In all the walks of life he had to face discouragement and more than that he use to take all the blame, what so happened in his surroundings. That made him more discouraged and finally he ended up his life. 

In this story, everything started because the person’s mother was not able to control her tongue. “With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness” – James 3:9. The tongue has the power to take life or make life. God created the world and everything through his word. “Although small, the tongue has great power” – James 3: 5.

Even if you are a dedicated person of God, if you are carelessly using your tongue, you deceive your faith and your God. A servant of God means he is an ambassador of God and he represents God among people. If he is not using the tongue properly, he is putting down the name of God and more over he is disrespecting God and the position he is in. “Even if we seem religious, if we do not control the tongue, we are deceiving ourselves and our religion is vain” – James 1: 26.

I request the brothers and sisters who are reading this message to be very careful in using your tongue. Respect God and his words.

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