Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Prophecy on Fire

In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams” – Acts 2:17

These are the words spoken by God through his Apostle Peter. We can see prophesy fulfilled throughout the Bible. The greatest prophecy which got fulfilled is Jesus Christ coming to this world for the sake for us and died as an ultimate sacrifice for our sins – The prophecy God told in Genesis 3:15.
Now days, Holy Spirit is pouring his gifts of Prophecy to lots of his servants who have the compassion to serve him. So how they are using these gifts? How the prophecy is being fulfilled when they tell it? There will be times when you follow God, live a holy life in faith and God uses you. Then the gift of prophecy comes to you and you prophecy about something that Holy Spirit tells you. And when the prophecy you got didn’t come to pass, you wonder what had happened. It didn’t come because you didn’t follow it up.

When Elijah prophesied about abundance of rain (1Kings 18:41), he didn’t stop; he did something more. He prayed! When King Ahab went up to eat and drink, Elijah didn’t join him to feast. Instead, he went to the top of Mount Carmel to pray. Though the prophetic word he’d received assured him there’d be abundant rain, Elijah still went to pray. Seven times, Elijah sent his servant out to go check the clouds. You must however understand that this wasn’t done in quick succession. (1 Kings 18:43). Each time the servant returned he found Elijah still praying intensely, and all he did was look up and say to the servant, Go and check again. This happened seven times and could have been over several hours, if not days. 

Friends, God gave us power in the Holy Spirit to affect changes, and we have unlimited influence through the prayer of petition. Through this kind of prayer a man can reverse a death sentence caused by an incurable disease. As you present every matter of concern before the Lord, giving him your strong reasons as backed by the word, you’ll be incubating upon that matter, and there’ll surely be changes in your favour.

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