Friday, December 31, 2021

Humbled New Year


Wishing everyone a blessed New Year

One more year got past and the last 2 years, will be remembered by this generation in a negative way. Corona virus did much destruction to the world in these years. It affected people, economy and all paths of life. Entire world is trying to stop the virus, but not able to do so.

At this point of time it is necessary to remember the Creator of this world. The Almighty, who created the heavens and earth from nothing, is still there in His majesty. In Psalm 8, the Psalmist details about Him further – “When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars you have set in their courses, what is man that you should be mindful of him? The son of man that you should seek him out?

God created man to be His friend. But man came down under the trick of evil. Satan made man to sin and because of this sin, his relationship with God was affected. When a person does something against us, it will be difficult for us to forget and forgive. But The Lord, who is Holy, gave man an opportunity to come out of his sins.

For everything to work perfectly there need a law or a set of instructions. If you are an IT programmer, there is a pattern for coding which should be kept to write a clean code. Same way a soccer player should play according to the rules to have a great match. If you are a citizen of a country, you should live and abide the constitution of that country. If you are not obeying the law, you are be punished.

Same way when man sin, God’s punishment for man was death. Since God loved man, He told man to give sacrifice of blood offering to temporarily clean the sin. At the same time He gave a hope for mankind that one day a sacrifice will be offered to permanently redeem man from sin.

For that reason God came to the world as a human and lived a holy life. Jesus went through all the temptations and trials everyone is facing, but he kept himself holy in the sight of God’s law. Finally He was put to death and thus became a once-for-all perfect sacrifice for sin. His blood cleanses all the sins of the world.

The Almighty God came to this evil world, lived a humble life and died for the sins which He did not do (Hebrews 10). Even his birth was so humble that he was born in a manger in Bethlehem. He studied the word, fasted according to the law and mingled with others. He was friend to sinners. He showed himself to the sinners so that they can see his life and change, a pure example of personal evangelism.

After Jesus ascended to heaven, His disciples were anointed with the Spirit of God to take His word to the world. They preached about Jesus and as today, they were persecuted. They never fought back. They humbled themselves ran away and went to other places and still preached about Jesus. Now the world knows Jesus, but it doesn’t know who this Jesus is?

While the world runs after many gods for salvation and peace, it doesn’t know the true God came to this world in search of man to give him salvation and peace. While the world fights among them to keep their gods safe, it doesn’t know the true God came to the world as Jesus Christ and died for mankind to save man from sin. While the world does lots of physical activities to please their god, it don’t know only way to please God is to accept the salvation Jesus gave. While the world persecutes the followers of Jesus, it doesn’t know the followers of Christ are preaching for the world to get saved.

Our sacrifice Jesus Christ humbled Himself to die for our sins (Philippians 2: 6-8), so that we can have our relationship with Almighty God in holiness. As a believer of Jesus God expects us to live in love and walk humbly with God (Micah 6: 8). God wants our mind to be like that of Jesus (Philippians 2: 5).

To be humbled, you need to become a child of God. To be into God’s family, your sins need to be washed away. Nothing but the blood of Jesus can wash your sins away. For that you need to repent your sins before God and accept the salvation Christ gives you (1 John 1: 9). There is nowhere you need to go for doing this. Just be wherever you are, and do it with your mind and heart. You are saved.

Once you are in Jesus, it is your duty to be like Jesus. You have repented your sins, so flee from sins now onwards. You are here to love and have peace. Be humble as Jesus.

Will you face problems after you are into God’s family? Of course yes. Sometimes it will be doubled. But the way you react to the problems will be different from how you used to. You will have to face persecution also. Just remember this; never ever lose faith and hope. Everything that will be happening to your life will be according to God’s plan (Proverbs 19: 21).

What good can come from trouble? First Christians were preaching Jesus in Jerusalem. There they were persecuted. Stephen became the first martyr for Christ. After that a great persecution occurred there. Believers of Jesus got scattered around. Because they got scattered around the world, Jesus was preached wherever they went. So when ever persecution happens to church, it sets on the course to take
gospel to every man and woman in the world. Good came from trouble (Acts 6, 7).

In this New Year we might have to face lots of challenges. Corona virus is not eliminated and world economy is down. But the greatest gift a person can have this year will be salvation. “Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered” – Psalm 32: 1.  You can use this year to be a blessed year in your life by accepting Jesus and living with God. In your struggles, you will see peace in your heart and you will know God is beside you and He is taking you to something blessed.

May you have a humble heart that of Jesus and let the Spirit of God guides you to be strong this year as you read and meditate His word. Have a Blessed Year.

New Year Blessings