Thursday, February 21, 2019

Be Guarded - Galatians

Romans instruct us to be grounded in doctrine; Corinthians, to be grounded in our practice and Galatians, to be guarded against error. Galatians teaches liberation through the Gospel. Anyone who preaches any other gospel, or any other Jesus, is damned.

Galatians reveals a series of surprises –
  • ·         Grace vs Law: Grace has a tendency to become leavened with legalism
  • ·         Faith vs Works: you don’t earn your salvation. It’s a gift of God. If you have saving faith, it will be demonstrated through works.
  • ·         Spirit vs Faith: walking by your own choices and emotions, or walking by faith and spirit of God. It is a moment-by-moment daily challenge.
  • ·         Truth vs Error: Do you really guard the doctrine from error?

Abraham was saved 430 years before the Law was given. Ishmael was born in unbelief, but Isaac was a promise in response to Abraham’s faith. Through faith Abraham was saved.

The fruits of the Holy Spirit are listed: Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, and Self-control. With Love, we can attain all these fruits of the Holy Spirit which is much needed for every follower of Christ. There are people who go to prayer meetings to get the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Gifts of the Spirit is given by God for the ones who possess the fruits of the Spirit.

There are 4 bearings:
  • ·         Fruit-bearing – 9 fruits of the Spirit
  • ·         Burden-bearing – Bearing one another’s burdens
  • ·         Seed-bearing – whatsoever a man sows, that shall he reap
  • ·         Brand-bearing – Bear the marks of the Lord Jesus.

Galatians gives us the assurance that when you begin in Spirit of God, you will be made perfect by the flesh. It is difficult to lead a sin free life with our own ability. Through God’s grace we can achieve it and I pray that you who are reading this will ask God to take control of your life and change it accordingly as He wishes, in Jesus name.