Tuesday, January 1, 2019


Each New Year people take some resolutions, mostly with respect to their health. There is a funny saying that in January 1st week most of the Gyms will be overcrowded and then after 1 month no crowd. Same things happens when people decides for going on a walk daily or running. It might go well for a week or two, but then it stops.

According to Wikipedia, Faithfulness is the concept of unfailingly remaining loyal to someone or something, and pulling that locality into consistent practice regardless of extenuating circumstances.
In 2 Timothy 2: 13, Christ’s faithfulness is mentioned. “If we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself”. God is a faithful God and His faithfulness is consistent. God have given humans the power to think and take decisions. Every year people take decisions. Some take decisions to stop bad habits, some may try to take care of their physical health, or some may decide to walk close with God. The Bible tells us that if
we don’t do any of these things, still God will be faithful to us and He will keep His promises for us.

When the first man, Adam sinned, God promised a saviour Jesus Christ who will come and take the punishment for that sin and make the human’s sin free. As promised Christ came to the world and walked among men. At the garden of Gethsemane, Christ cried and asked God whether God can remove His death and suffering for mankind. But God, being faithful, did not spare His own son for the sake of mankind.

Christ died as an ultimate sacrifice for the sin of the world. Now there is no need to sacrifice anything for cleansing for ones sin. Christ has done it permanently. Only way to receive that salvation is to accept Christ as our saviour and sin no more. Even though we walk in sin, God being faithful died for our sins and made us free.

This New Year let this verse be inside you and motivate you to take decisions and be consistent with it. You are a child of God who is faithful and consistent.