Friday, March 27, 2015


In this world we can find people who acts spiritual and does only idiotic things. They speak negative things, discourage others and even try to earn material possessions through the spiritual knowledge they have. At the same time, we see people who are name sake Christians. They have a Christian name and live a totally demonic life. In fact, most of the people whom I met, who are Christians are in this category. 

In a Christian life, faith plays a major role, or the main foundation of Christianity is faith in God. If you do not have faith in God, carrying a Christian name, you are living a foolish life. In the Old Testament, when Israelites walked in wilderness, they need to explore Canaan. So Moses sent leaders to check how the land was? All the people who went and saw told about the strength of the enemies and how huge they are, even though they knew God is leading them and God fights for them. 

Only one man, Caleb came out and with confidence told Moses and Aaron that they can possess the land because he knows in faith that God will defeat their enemies. (Numbers 13:30)

I read about a healing minister, while preaching saw a person in wheel chair. He went near the person. The person in the wheel chair told, please pray so that I can see whether God can heal me or not. Suddenly the minister in anger told he is not going to get healed. Faith is important in healing and if he does have faith that God will heal him, he would have brought a pair of shoes with him. He just came to check what God can do. These are the things fools do. Wisdom from God is “Have Faith”.

Abraham was called to be the father of many nations when he did not had a single inheritant. But in faith he believed in God. He was not a fool to question God. That is why Abraham is called The Father of Faith. (Romans 4:16, 17)

Have faith in God. World may consider you as a fool. But if you don’t trust in God and don’t have faith in God, you are the biggest fool.