Thursday, January 29, 2015

Temptation follows Success

There are certain things which we’ve to notice in a Christian life. Whenever you face success in your spiritual life, the next moment a temptation comes in your life. It might be in any form – a real worldly temptation, or a bad situation or anything the devil puts in front of you when you feel good of having a success.

If you think it happened only for you, you’re wrong. Throughout the Bible you can see examples of this. The history of how Israel came out of Egypt is the perfect example of this. They were very happy as they saw how great their God is and they saw the power of God. But the next thing they saw was the Dead Sea in front of them, mountains on both sides and the Egyptians coming behind to attack them. Suddenly their faith got lost and they started murmuring against Moses and God. (Exodus 13, 14).

At that point of time, they forgot their God who saved them out from Egypt, who promised them he will be there with them and fight for them. (Exodus 6:1). But God did not leave them, he showed a greater miracle in front of them and saved them and destroyed the Egyptian soldiers. 

Same thing happened in Elijah’s life also. As soon as he showed to the King and the people that the God of Israel is the true God, he got frightened of Jezebel and ran away. (1 Kings 19)

The matter is whenever a success occurs; devil will try to do something so that you reject the glory of God. Most of the time it gets done. But we can see in the scripture how God takes that situation to bring a better life from that. In the case of Moses, God showed his power by departing the sea. 

If we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself” – 2 Timothy 2: 13.

If you don’t get carried away with the temptation, but have faith in God, he will make you a way to come out of it in a better and glorious way than previous. Have patience and be Holy.

This calls for patient endurance on the part of the people of God who keep his commands and remain faithful to Jesus” – Revelation 14: 12.